Facebook Applications Development
Engaging & interactive custom facebook applications, built to leverage social media networks to spark conversations and viral growth.
We harness the power of facebook's platform and its massive global reach to help brands & businesses connect with their customers. Each facebook app is tailor made based on its target audience and business goals.
When it comes to promotions, facebook is the undisputed king. With a massive built-in audience and a global reach, digital campaigns on facebook have the potential to get your message out to an extraordinary number of people in an extremely cost effective manner.
Stand out from the crowd. Interactive facebook applications are a great way to create a branded & memorable digital experience for your customers.
Branded Marketing Campaigns
Create branded campaigns and promotional apps with facebook's marketing API
Building a facebook app is a vital component for any business to be successful, to create a brand, drive traffic, to increase sales and engage with customers. Along with development, we enhance online presence over social media.
It has become impossible for business to ignore the benefits of marking your brand's presence on social networking websites. Implementing strategies allow you to easily interact with the members of your target audience, required networks, geographic locations, age groups and even people having specific interests.
In our strategies, we incorporate viral marketing features such as landing pages, social sharing buttons, friend invites and notifications to enable your branded, custom facebook app to be placed in front of an ever-expanding social footprint of potential brand loyalists.

Facebook Graph API
Automate your interaction with facebook social media platform

The Graph API is the primary way to get data into and out of the Facebook platform. It's an HTTP-based API that apps can use to programmatically query data, post new stories, manage ads, upload photos, and perform a wide variety of other tasks.
We use the power of Facebook Graph API to build your software that create new posts, share posts, retrieve insights of posts and pages, read content and insights from public pages, build a network of friends, send messages, upload videos and much more on behalf of facebook users.
HiTech Buddies' developers are experts of everything regarding Facebook Graph API like SDKs, tools, marketing, instagram, whatsapp, custom audience, rate limits, permissions, app review, versions, webhooks, ads, profiles, groups, pages, live videos and much more.
External Login
Implement fast, secure and reliable login with facebook
Today everyone is using facebook. A secure, fast, and convenient way for users to log into your app, and for your app to ask for permissions to access data is to integrate external login with facebook. It's available on iOS, Android, Web, desktop apps and other devices.
Facebook Login lets people quickly and easily create an account in your app without having to set (and likely later forget) a password. This simple and convenient experience leads to higher conversion. Once someone has created an account on one platform, they can log into your app—often with a single click—on all your other platforms. A validated email address means you're able to reach that person to re-engage them at a later date.
HiTech Buddies has unique skills for your web and mobile apps to implement external login with Facebook, Google, Linked-in and other third party platforms. We use proper permissions to access users' data so your app never gets banned.

App Review
Switch your facebook applications to live mode

Facebook wants to ensure the tens of millions of people who use Facebook Login every day have a safe, reliable and consistent experience. App Review helps determine if apps that are requesting access to detailed account information have built great experiences.
Now a days, it is not that easy to create a facebook app and start getting public and users' data from facebook. There is formal and manual process of app review by Facebook authority. For each permission to be granted, you need to convince its use cases.
Once you submit your app to facebook, review team actually uses your app and will ensure you're meeting their Platform Terms and Developer Policies. You can switch your app to live mode only if all requested permissions are approved.
At HiTech Buddies, we provide services to analyze and audit your mobile and web apps, involve in the process of app submission and its permissions, convince facebook review team and get approval of requirement permissions.